Friday, July 30, 2010

Taco Flower Postcard - Sent

For the "I Love Handmade Postcards" swap, I sent my partner this postcard called "Taco Flower", a rare blossom of cheesy, beefy tacos (genus: tacus hibiscus!)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Paper Mosaic Postcard - Sent

This is the paper mosaic postcard that I am sending to my swap partner....I love mosaics and how they look, but working with tiny bits of paper and glue was a bit on the side of chaos!

Picture This Postcard - Received

This postcard from my swap partner Kathy has an almost 3-D like, dreamy illusion quality to it...very, very cool!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Personalized PC Swap - Received

These two cute handmade postcards are what I received from the Personalized PC postcard swap (the theme was to use your swap partner's name in the postcard design).

Parakeet Postcard Swap - Sent

This is the handmade collage postcard that I am sending my swap partner for the Parakeet Postcard Swap:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Display Your Postcards!

I use magnetic see-through sleeves to display my postcards on my studio bulletin board and on my refrigerator. You can easily swap out new favorites into the sleeves, and the cards are kept clean and preserved.

Postcard Swaparoo - Sent

For the Postcard Swaparoo swap at swap-bot, we were to send one card to a partner, and one card to a library that will be distributed to the children there. Here is the card I sent; it is from a Post Office collection that featured creatures of the deep.

Postcard of Niland, California - Bought

This colorful unused postcard caught my eye while thrift shopping....The back of the card reads that it is "Slab City in Niland, California". When I ran a google search to find out more information, it appears that there is an artist out there who paints and repaints constantly....I think I'd like to see this place!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Impress the Postman Swap - Sent

Here is the postcard I sent to my swap partner for this swap:

Impress the Postman Swap - Received

This is the pretty postcard I received from Tracy my swap partner; it is really nice....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Picture This Postcard - Received

This is the fabulous postcard that I received from my swap partner Zoey for the Picture This Postcard swap....what a beautiful card!

Quick Turnaround Postcard Swap #6 - Received Two More

Here are the great postcards my swap partner Nicole sent me for the Quick Turnaround PC Swap #6:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Butterfly Postcard - Sent

This is the postcard I sent my swap partner for the Butterfly Postcard swap; I included this little poem on the back:


Flutter by, butterfly
Floating flower
in the sky.
Kiss me with your
petal wings --
Whisper secrets,
Tell of Spring.
-- Author Unknown

Black and White Postcard - Sent

This is the black and white postcard that I will send to my swap partner; the theme was to create a postcard using only black and white....

Quick Turnaround Postcard Swap #6 - Received

I received this gorgeous photo postcard of a lovely tea party theme from my swap partner Linda; and as she wrote on the back, "I can almost smell the Earl Grey!"

Dia de Los Muertos Postcard Swap - Received

I received this fantastic postcard from my Canadian swap partner Lucie for the Dia de Los Muertos Quickie swap - it is so creative!

Pencil Me a Postcard - Sent

Here is the postcard I sent to my swap partner for the Pencil Me a Postcard swap, where you had to draw something with a lead pencil. This is a picture of Pegasus, flying to the sun.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pink Flamingo Postcard Swap - Sent

This is the postcard I sent to my swap partner Helen for the Pink Flamingo Postcard is a combination of my hand-drawn trio of pink flamingos on a collage of paper.

Collage Postcard Swap - Received

This is the other postcard I received from my swap partner missymom for the Collage Postcard's a large size beauty, with a wonderful giraffe and paper napkin collage!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Artsy Postcard Swap - Received

This gorgeous handmade artsy postcard is from my swap partner Raven, and it features horses against a colorful background - fabulous!

Collage Postcard Swap - Received

This beautiful handmade collage postcard arrived today from my swap partner Carroll -- I just love it!

Frog - Toad Postcard Swap - Received

This is the frog postcard that I received from my swap partner at swap-bot. It features a photo of a trio of three Australian green frogs -- wonderful!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My second Artsy Postcard - Received

This is the second postcard I received from my swap partner DeAnne for the Artsy Postcard swap. She read in my swap profile that I love the American Flag, and she chose this great card for me:

Collage Postcard Swap - Received

I received this unique handmade collage postcard from my swap partner knitmom, it's great!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Artsy Postcard Swap - Received

My swap partner Raven sent me this wonderful handmade postcard for the Artsy Postcard Swap suffered a tiny bit in its mail travels, but is great nonetheless. Raven is an artist and letterpress printer, and explained her method on the back of the card. Fabulous!

Nutsy Nudie Postcard Swap - Received

This is the postcard I received from my swap partner Laurie (yep, a great name!) for the Nutsy Nudie Postcard swap; it is a wonderful illustration of King Kong and pals playing cards and reading the newspaper while planes circle the Empire State Building....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Postcard and a Poem Swap - Received

I received this lovely postcard from my swap partner Barbara for the Postcard and a Poem swap; the reverse side has this poem:
'Not your whole long life
With your feet on the ground.
Bit of dreaming
Bit of floating,
Doesn't seem
Unhealthy to me."

Barbara explained that this short poem is by the artist Toons Herman (1916-2000) translated from the Dutch (the Dutch version was also included, which I thought was great!). And, in this big wide world of the internet, Barbara and I have 'met' again -- we traded Artist Trading Cards a few years ago!

Patriotic Postcard Swap - Received

I received this photo postcard from my swap partner Carol for the Patriotic Postcard swap; it features a great photo of fireworks over the nation's capitol....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Artsy Postcard Swap

This is the postcard I sent to my swap partners for the Artsy Postcard swap; it is Prismacolor on brisol; one partner got the original, and the other a print. The theme of the swap was to send an 'artsy' postcard (Picasso, Rembrandt, etc., or your own artwork).

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fantasy Horse Postcard Swap

"Honor, speed and agility
Freedom, power and velocity
A symbol of enduring strength."

This is the postcard I sent to my swap partner for Fantasy Horse Postcard Swap....

Friday, July 2, 2010

Postcard and a Poem Swap

This is the postcard I sent to my swap partner for the Postcard and a Poem swap on swap-bot; it is decoupage on oil paint.

Nutsy Nudie Postcard Swap

I hosted the Nutsy Nudie Postcard Swap on swap-bot (and no, the name is NOT what it sounds like...a 'nude' or 'naked' postcard is simply one that is sent without an envelope! The 'nutsy' part meant that swappers were to send their partner a bizarre or nutty card.

Here is the card that I found for my swap partner (which actually fits being 'nutty', and even has 'nudies'! It is called the "Housewife's Fantasy" by (c) Jean Ray Laury, 1979.

Dia de Los Muertos Postcard Swap

When your love goes down to the bone, this postcard is for you....
Dia de la Rosa Postcards from

The Picture It Postcard Swap

For the Picture It postcard swap, we were asked to place items on a scanner and then scan them into a 4"x6" postcard. This was very creative, and lots of fun! I even got the idea to make a new mailer postcard for Busy Crow Studio, by scanning some of the beaded amulets I designed.